Yamaha DX27 Electronic Keyboard User Manual

(3) 1 Voice Bulk Data
Received only when MIDI SYS INFO is ON. The format is the same as for the
transmitted 1 voice bulk data. The 93 voice data bytes are read into the voice edit
buffer, replacing the current voice data. The 93 received data bytes are shown in
voice parameter table 5-2.
CHORUS, FOOT VOLUME RANGE and PEG data are ignored.
(4) 32 Voice Bulk Data
Received only when MIDI SYS INFO is ON. The format is the same as for the
transmitted 32 voice bulk data. This data can be received only when the MEMORY
PROTECT function is OFF. The received voice data is stored in the 24 INTERNAL
voice memory locations. Voices numbered 25 anf higher will be ignored. The “MIDI
RECEIVED!!" display appears to confirm complete reception of voice bulk data.
(5) Dump Request
ID no. 01000011(43)
Substatus/ch. no.
0010nnnn(2n) n=channel no.
Format no.
Received only when MIDI SYS INFO is ON. When received the bulk data corre-
sponding to the received format code will be dumped via MIDI OUT.
f=3: 1 voice bulk data
f=4: 32 voice bulk data