
Administering Routes 11-5
Your system maintains a table of routes to other IPX networks. You can
either use the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) to exchange routing
information automatically or make static entries in this table using the
Administration Console.
Each routing table entry contains the following information:
Address — The 4-byte IPX network address of a segment currently
known to the router.
Hops — The number of routers that must be crossed to reach the
network segment. The maximum number of routers a packet can cross
is 15. Exception: An IPX NetBIOS packet can cross no more than 7
Tics — An estimate of how long it will take the packet to reach this
segment. A tic is approximately 55 milliseconds.
Node — The 6-byte address of the router that can forward packets to
the segment. A node address of all zeroes (00-00-00-00-00-00) means
that the route is connected directly to the router.
Age — The number of seconds that have elapsed since the last time
the route was heard from.