■ LANplex® 2500 Software Release Notes
Provide information about the software release, including new features and
bug fixes. It also provides information about any changes to the LANplex
system’s documentation. (Shipped with system)
■ LANplex® 2500 Getting Started
Describes all the procedures necessary for installing, cabling, powering up,
configuring management access to, and troubleshooting your LANplex sys-
tem. (Shipped with system/Part No. 801-00355-000)
■ LANplex® 2500 Operation Guide
Provides information to help you understand system management and
administration, bridging, Fast Ethernet, ATM, and FDDI technology. It also
describes how these concepts are implemented in the LANplex system.
(Shipped with system/Part No. 801-00344-000)
■ LANplex® 2500 Administration Console User Guide
Provides information about using the Administration Console to configure
and manage your LANplex system. (Shipped with system/Part No.
■ LANplex® 2500 Extended Switching User Guide (This book)
Describes® how the routing protocols, VLAN, and RMON are implemented
in the LANplex system and provides information about using the
Administration Console to configure and manage these features. (shipped
with the option package/Part No. 801-00343-000)
■ LANplex® 2500 Intelligent Switching Administration Console Command Quick
Reference card
Contains the Administration Console Intelligent Switching commands for
the LANplex system. (Shipped with the system/Part No. 801-000318-000)
■ LANplex® 2500 Extended Switching ADMINISTRATION CONSOLE Command Quick
Reference card
Contains the Administration Console Extended Switching commands for the
LANplex system. (Shipped with the option package/Part No. 801-00319-000)