Configuring IP
Unicast Routing
This section describes the commands associated with configuring IP
unicast routing on the Switch 3800. Configuring routing involves the
following steps:
■ Verify the Switch operating mode is set to “iprouting” by using the
following command:
show switch
If it is not, use the following command:
config devicemode iprouting
■ Create and configure two or more VLANs.
For information on creating and configuring VLANs, refer to
Chapter 5.
■ Assign each VLAN that will be using routing an IP address, using the
following command:
config vlan <name> ipaddress <ipaddress> {<mask>}
Ensure that each VLAN has a unique IP address.
■ Configure a default route, using the following command:
config iproute add default <gateway> {<metric>}
Default routes are used when the router has no other dynamic or
static route to the requested destination.
■ Turn on IP routing for one or more VLANs, using the following
enable ipforwarding {vlan <name> | all}
■ Turn on RIP, using the following command:
enable rip
When you create a VLAN, RIP is enabled by default. You must,
however, enable RIP on the Switch to route traffic. To disable RIP on a
particular VLAN, use the following command:
— config rip delete {vlan <name>}
SW3800.BK Page 4 Tuesday, May 5, 1998 5:20 PM