■ portlist — displays the entries for one or more ports
■ permanent — displays all permanent entries
The following sample output shows the information displayed when
you request output for all FDB entries:
show fdb
Hash Num Mac Vlan Flags Ptag Portlist
0f00: 0 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff Default(0001) sm 0fef CPU
3289: 0 00:e0:2b:00:00:00 Default(0001) sm 0ffb CPU
373d: 0 01:80:c2:00:00:00 (0000) sm 0ffb CPU
72f3: 0 00:e0:2b:00:a4:00 Default(0001) sm 0ff1 CPU
Total: 4 Static: 4 Perm: 0 Dyn: 0 Dropped: 0
FDB Aging time: 300
The show command displays summary information, including
■ MAC address
■ VLAN name and VLANid
■ Entry method (dynamic/static/permanent)
■ Port
Removing FDB
You can remove one or more specific entries from the FDB, or you can
clear the entire FDB of all entries by using the commands listed in
Table 6-2.
Table 6-2 Removing FDB Entry Commands
Command Description
delete fdbentry <mac_address> vlan <name> Allows you to delete a permanent FDB entry.
clear fdb {all | <mac_address> | vlan <name>
| <portlist>}
Allows you to clear dynamic FDB entries that match
the filter. Use the keyword “all” to clear all
dynamic entries.
SW3800.BK Page 4 Tuesday, May 5, 1998 5:20 PM