3Com Router 6000 Family
Installation Manual
Chapter 4
Starting and Configuring the Route
3Com Corporation
* *
Copyright© 2003-2004 by 3COM-3COM TECH CO., LTD.
Compiled at Wed Jul 20 16:35:23 EDT 2005
Testing memory...OK!
512M bytes SDRAM Memory
Hardware Version is 2.0
CPLD Version is 1.0
Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu 0
Press <Ctrl+B> to have the system enter Boot Menu. Otherwise, the system starts
decompressing the program and displays:
System is self-decompressing......................................
System is starting...
Starting at 0x10000...
User interface Con 0 is available.
Press ENTER to get started.
Press <Enter>. The console screen displays:
The prompt indicates that the router has entered user view and is ready for configuration.
z Immediately after “3Com 6000 Router, 10.05” appears, “System starts booting ...
(1.01)” disappears. (10.05 is the version of the Boot ROM.)
z To have the system enter Boot Menu, press <Ctrl+B> within three seconds after
“Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu...” appears; otherwise, the system starts
decompressing the program. To enter Boot Menu after that, you must reboot the
z If the bootstrap discovers that the version of the Boot ROM in the VRP is
inconsistent with the one in use, it automatically upgrade the Boot ROM program
and displays:
The current starting file is main application file—flash:/b14d008!
Upgrade Bootrom............!
Download completed.
Please wait,it needs a long time######
Writing into Boot ROM Succeeds.
System will reboot...