3Com Router 6000 Family
Installation Manual
Chapter 5
Maintaining Software
3Com Corporation
Chapter 5 Maintaining Software
5.1 Overview
The router manages three types of files:
z Boot ROM image file
z Application image file
z Configuration file
Software maintenance mainly involves these three types of files. This chapter
discusses only the software maintenance functions listed in Boot Menu, for example
upgrading the Boot ROM and application. For information on other functions, refer to
V2.41 Configuration Guide.
Upgrade software only when necessary and under the guidance of technical staff.
5.2 Maintaining Software of the RPU2
5.2.1 Boot Menu
The RPU2 and the share the same Boot Menu, which is covered in this section.
Start the router; when the message “Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu ..........” appears, press
<Ctrl+B>. The console screen displays:
Please input bootrom password:
Enter the correct password (void by default) to have the system enter Boot Menu:
Boot Menu:
1: Download application program with XMODEM
2: Download application program with NET
3: Download application program with NET to CF card
4: Set application file type
5: Display applications in Flash
6: Clear application configuration
Reset console authentication
8: Start up and ignore configuration
9: Boot Rom Operation Menu
a: Do not check the version of the software
b: Start application program from Flash