B: I
Power Management
The Enterprise Management Engine (EME) works
protects network integrity using power management.
The EME determines how much power a Switch 4007
module requires before it permits the module to
power on.
The EME manages power use in the chassis by:
Preventing newly installed modules from receiving
power when there is not enough power available.
Allowing you to prioritize the order in which
modules power off (if there is insufficient power
Allowing you to implement fault-tolerant power,
which allows the chassis to reserve some of its
power capacity to protect against a power supply
To support redundancy, install one or more power
supplies beyond the minimum number that is
required to support the chassis and its modules
(n + 1 redundancy).
Power Availability and Power Supply Capacity
This section explains the following concepts
concerning power supply management:
Power available to modules
— The amount of
power that is available to Switch 4007 modules is
determined by the number of power supplies that
are installed.
Power capacity of a power supply
— The
power capacity of a power supply unit is the
maximum amount of power that the power supply
When you manage power in your Switch, consider
the system overhead, that is, the power that the
Switch 4007 itself (including fans, signalling, and
EMEs) consumes. Before you install any new module
into a chassis, assess the power budget by calculating
the total power requirements for all installed
modules, fans, and management modules.
power management
Confirms that there is enough power
for a new Switch 4007 module.
Software-driven power management
(Intelligent Power Management) also
provides protection against the
possibility of a catastrophic power
failure. If the switch is operating in
power fault-tolerant mode and a
power supply fails, an installed EME
powers off selected (low power class)
Switch 4007 modules until the power
deficit is corrected. Intelligent Power
Management ensures that key
components and resources continue to
operate, even under extreme failure
Table 11
Intelligent Power Subsystem Features (continued)
Feature Description