Release Notes for IP/TV Viewer Release 3.0 3
Important Notes
• Client enhancements
IP/TV client enhancements include easier to use video controls and enhanced plugin
• Additional Enhancements
Relative file paths, based on the defined Server MediaRoot, are now supported for
scheduled programs and recordings. There is now multihomed server support for SDP
Important Notes
• The standard CD-ROM installation does not prompt you to enter your name, company
name, and serial number. Ignore Step 4 on page 3-3 in the IP/TV Viewer User Guide.
• The DEMO CD-ROM does not prompt you to enter your name, company name, or
serial number. Instead, the User Information window (Step 5, page 3-5) displays two
radio buttons: Demo and Full.
• Select the Demo installation option to begin streaming video quickly. Use this option
in conjunction with the Demonstration installation of the IP/TV Server.
• Use the Full installation in conjunction with the Cisco 3400 series video servers or if
IP/TV software is installed on your own computer. The Full installation will not work
with the demonstration of the IP/TV Server.
• In order to retain the current Content Manager setting when upgrading from IP/TV
Viewer 2.0 to IP/TV Viewer 3.0, you must edit the setup.ini file to enable the Admin
Mode Install (EnableAdminModeInstall=1) and you must specify the desired Content
Manager in the Guide Server parameter (GuideServer={CM}) before the upgrade.
• When IP/TV Viewer is configured for a Content Manager with a program listing of
greater than 200 programs and the polling value is set to the default of 10 minutes, the
amount of time repeatedly needed to complete a program listing fetch may cause
synchronization issues and frame droppage. In order to prevent these symptoms, set the
polling interval under Settings>ContentManagers to 12 hours (720 minutes) or, if
possible, turn polling off.
• If youreceivethe errormessage Error loading amovie.ocx. The specified module
could not be found when trying to view the IP/TV Introduction Video, install Active
Movie from the following location on the CD: IPTV\Support\mpfull.exe.