
Release Notes for IP/TV Viewer Release 3.0 5
Open Caveats for Cisco IP/TV Viewer Release 3.0
Open Caveats for Cisco IP/TV Viewer Release 3.0
Presenter program fails to work with Web pages using ShockWave plugin.
True Speech audio served with MPEG-4 video may experience audio distortion in rare
Slow systems (less than 166MHz) may experience audio/video out of sync problem for
MPEG4 encoded programs.
Viewing multiple MPEG2 programs simultaneously is not supported at this time.
CSCdm49161 The Source Port and Encoding fields on the advanced Program
Information dialog box are currently not implemented.
CSCdm40410 You cannot add a Content Manager as new, if that Content Manager was
previously removed.
CSCdm45187 The Window>Scale Down command on the video window is not
working properly. If used, the toolbar buttons disappear.
CSCdm44407 The IP/TV Web Presenter feature does not support web pages that have
both audio and video streams.
CSCdm46300 IP/TV Viewer cannot properly decode G.723 audio due to a codec
CSCdk86892 The URL Flipping option on the Select Stream dialog box appears
unenabled, but is enabled.
CSDdm08011 There is no indication on the IP/TV Viewer Program Listing window if
a Windows Media Multicast Station contains URL flips.
CSCdm30247 Only one MPEG2 stream is supported by IP/TV Viewer.
CSCdm63174 Both audio and video pause when selecting Pause Video in an
on-demand WMT program.
CSCdm64603 When shifting focus from an IP/TV program to a WMT program, the
audio streams from both programs are heard simultaneously.
CSCdm64241 When you detach apassword protected plugin program using the Detach
button, you are prompted for the password again.
CSCdm59843 The scale up and scale down feature does not work for WMT programs
in Fullscreen mode.