Release Notes for IP/TV Viewer Release 3.0 5
Open Caveats for Cisco IP/TV Viewer Release 3.0
Open Caveats for Cisco IP/TV Viewer Release 3.0
• Presenter program fails to work with Web pages using ShockWave plugin.
• True Speech audio served with MPEG-4 video may experience audio distortion in rare
• Slow systems (less than 166MHz) may experience audio/video out of sync problem for
MPEG4 encoded programs.
• Viewing multiple MPEG2 programs simultaneously is not supported at this time.
• CSCdm49161 The Source Port and Encoding fields on the advanced Program
Information dialog box are currently not implemented.
• CSCdm40410 You cannot add a Content Manager as new, if that Content Manager was
previously removed.
• CSCdm45187 The Window>Scale Down command on the video window is not
working properly. If used, the toolbar buttons disappear.
• CSCdm44407 The IP/TV Web Presenter feature does not support web pages that have
both audio and video streams.
• CSCdm46300 IP/TV Viewer cannot properly decode G.723 audio due to a codec
• CSCdk86892 The URL Flipping option on the Select Stream dialog box appears
unenabled, but is enabled.
• CSDdm08011 There is no indication on the IP/TV Viewer Program Listing window if
a Windows Media Multicast Station contains URL flips.
• CSCdm30247 Only one MPEG2 stream is supported by IP/TV Viewer.
• CSCdm63174 Both audio and video pause when selecting Pause Video in an
on-demand WMT program.
• CSCdm64603 When shifting focus from an IP/TV program to a WMT program, the
audio streams from both programs are heard simultaneously.
• CSCdm64241 When you detach apassword protected plugin program using the Detach
button, you are prompted for the password again.
• CSCdm59843 The scale up and scale down feature does not work for WMT programs
in Fullscreen mode.