
Auto Start-up Does Not
Include Async
Automatic detection of the line type (LineType=Auto) and link protocol
(OWNer=Auto) do not include recognition of Async PPP and AT dial. For Async PPP
and AT dial (which must be used together), the following parameters must be
explicitly configured:
-PATH LineType=Dialup
-PATH DialMode=ATdial
-PATH ExDevType=Async
The PATH service parameter TransferMode should not be changed from its default
value of AUto. Other settings of this parameter are reserved for future extensions.
Demand Timer
Two PORT Service parameters are used to configure bandwidth-on-demand ports.
The DialIdleTime parameter sets the time in seconds before all dialup lines in a
port are disconnected if the port is not in use. The DialSamplPeriod parameter sets
the time (in seconds) to sample before taking an action to bring additional paths
up or down, based on traffic load for bandwidth-on-demand. The value specified
for the DialIdleTime parameter takes precedence over the value specified for the
DialSamplPeriod parameter.
Baud Rates for WAN
Ports in DCE Mode
The following baud rates are supported in DCE mode (synchronous, internal
If you configure a baud rate that is different from those listed, the system will fall
back to the nearest lower supported rate.
BSC Cabling and
The data communication equipment (DCE) cable for SuperStack II bridge/routers
should be 07-264-000-01 (rev. 1) to work in BSC internal clocking mode.
Changing the Transfer
Mode Parameter Default
The PATH service parameter TransferMode should not be changed from its default
value of AUto. Other settings of this parameter are reserved for future extensions.
Compression must use the same configuration at both ends of the connection. If
one side of a connection is configured as per-packet and the other is configured as
history, the PPP link does not come up.
1200 112 K
1800 128 K
2400 256 K
3600 384 K
7200 448 K
9600 768 K
19 K 1344 K
38 K 1536 K
56 K 1580 K
64 K 2048 K