Platform Notes 63
Platform Notes This section describes the supported PC flash memory cards, approved DRAM
SIMMS, notes, cautions, and other considerations to be aware of when using the
Enterprise OS software on the various NETBuilder bridge/router and PathBuilder
platforms. The topics are presented in alphabetical order.
NETBuilder and
SuperStack II
NETBuilder SI Additional
Memory Requirements
In order for OfficeConnect NETBuilder and SuperStack II SI NETBuilder
bridge/routers to support selected Enterprise OS software version 11.4 packages,
the minimum memory requirements must be met for DRAM and FLASH. These
requirements are mentioned in Table 15 and in the Software Features table for the
specific platform in “11.4 Software Packages” on page 23. The upgrade kits that
available to meet these memory requirements are listed in Table 16. New
equipment shipped pre-loaded with Enterprise OS software version 11.4 has
adequate DRAM and Flash memory installed prior to shipment.
Approved DRAM SIMMs Table 17 lists 3Com–approved vendors of the 32 MB DRAM SIMM for
upgrading the NETBuilder II DPE 40 module.
Table 15 Memory Requirements for OfficeConnect NETBuilder and SuperStack II NETBuilder SI
Platform Description Package ID
11.4 DRAM
11.4 FLASH
11.4 Dual
OfficeConnect NETBuilder 10 IP/IPX Router RW, RE, RS 16MB 4MB 8MB
OfficeConnect NETBuilder IP/IPX Router JW, JE, JS 16MB 4MB 8MB
IP/IPX/AT Router NW, NE, NS 16MB 8MB 12MB
Multiprotocol Router OF, OL, OE, OS 16MB 8MB 12MB
Boundary Router BF 16MB 4MB 8MB
Services Router
AF 16MB 8MB 12MB
SuperStack II NETBuilder SI IP/IPX/AT Router NW, NE, NS 16MB 8MB 8MB
Multiprotocol Router CF, CL, CE, CS 24MB 12MB 12MB
Boundary Router BF 16MB 8MB 12MB
Services Router
AX 16MB 12MB 12MB
Table 16 Order Numbers for Memory Upgrade Kits
3C# of Kit Description
3C8104 4MB FLASH for OfficeConnect NETBuilder & SuperStack II NETBuilder SI
3C8108 8MB FLASH for OfficeConnect NETBuilder
3C8080 8MB DRAM for OfficeConnect NETBuilder
3C8105 16MB DRAM for SuperStack II NETBuilder SI
Table 17 3Com-approved DRAM SIMMs
Size Vendor and Description Part Number
32 MB
72-pin 8Mx32 60 ns page mode
NEC MC428000A32B-60
Toshiba THM328020S-60
Toshiba THM328020B5-60