
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Specifications
Caterpillar Diesel Engine Antifreeze/Coolant (DEAC)
is formulated with the correct level of Caterpillar
SCA. When the cooling system is initially filled with
DEAC, adding more SCA is not necessary until the
concentration of SCA has been depleted. To ensure
that the correct amount of SCA is in the cooling
system, the concentration of SCA must be tested
on a scheduled basis. Refer to the specific engines
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Maintenance
Interval Schedule.
Containers of SCA are available in several sizes.
Consult your Caterpillar dealer for the part numbers.
Conventional Coolant/
Antifreeze Cooling System
SMCS Code: 1350; 1352; 1395
Never operate an engine without water temperature
regulators in the cooling system. Water temperature
regulators help to maintain the engine coolant at the
proper operating temperature. Cooling system prob-
lems can develop without water temperature regula-
Check the coolant/antifreeze (glycol concentration)
in order to ensure adequate protection against
boiling or freezing. Caterpillar recommends the
use of a refractometer for checking the glycol
concentration. Use the 1U-7298 Coolant/Battery
Tester (Celsius) or use the 1U-7297 Coolant/Battery
Tester (Fahrenheit). The testers give readings that
are immediate and accurate. The testers can be
used with ethylene or with propylene glycol.
Caterpillar engine cooling systems should be
tested at 250 hour intervals for the concentration of
Supplemental Coolant Additive (SCA). SCA test kits
are available from your Caterpillar dealer. Test the
concentration of SCA or submit a coolant sample to
your Caterpillar dealer at 250 hour intervals. Refer
to S·O·S Coolant Analysis for more information on
this topic.
Additions of SCA are based on the results of the
test or based on the results of the coolant analysis.
An SCA that is liquid or a maintenance element for
an SCA (if equipped) may be needed at 250 hour
Table 16 lists the amount of Caterpillar SCA
that is needed at the initial fill in order to treat
coolant/antifreeze. These amounts of SCA are for
systems that use heavy-duty coolant/antifreeze.
Table 16 also lists additions of SCA for liquid
and for maintenance elements at 250 hours. The
additions are required for Caterpillar DEAC and for
commercial coolant/antifreezes.