
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Specifications
Additions of SCA are based on the results of the
test or based on the results of the coolant analysis.
The size of the cooling system determines the
amount of SCA that is required.
Use the equation that is in Table 24 to determine
the amount of Caterpillar SCA that is required for
maintenance, if necessary:
Ta bl e 2 6
SCA To Water Addition Equation For Maintenance
V × 0.023 = X
V is the total volume of the cooling system.
X is the amount of SCA that is required.
Table 27 is an example for using the equation that
is in Table 24.
Ta bl e 2 7
SCA To Water Addition Equation Example
For Maintenance
Total Volume
of the Cooling
System (V)
Amount of SCA
that is Required
946 L
(250 US gal)
× 0.023
22 L
(6 US gal)
Note: Specific engine applications may require
maintenance practices to be periodically evaluated
in order to properly maintain the engines cooling
Table 23 lists part numbers and quantities of SCA
that is available from your Caterpillar dealer.
S·O·S Coolant Analysis
SMCS Code: 1350; 1352; 1395; 7542-008; 7542
Testing the engine coolant is important to ensure
that the engine is protected from internal cavitation
and from corrosion. The analysis also tests the
ability of the coolant to protect the engine from
boiling and from freezing. The S·O·S Coolant
Analysis can be done at your Caterpillar dealer.
Caterpillar S·O·S Coolant Analysis is the best
way to monitor the condition of your coolant and
your cooling system. S·O·S Coolant Analysis is a
program that is based on periodic samples.
Do not use the same vacuum sampling pump for ex-
tracting oil samples that is used for extracting coolant
A small residue of either type sample may remain in
the pump and may cause a false positive analysis for
the sample being taken.
Always use a designated pump for oil sampling and a
designated pump for coolant sampling.
Failure to do so may cause a false analysis which
could lead to customer and dealer concerns.
Recommended Interval for S·O·S
Coolant Sample
Ta bl e 2 8
Recommended Interval
Type of Coolant Level 1 Level 2
DEAC Every 250 Hours Yearly
ELC Not Required Yearly
Converted Systems
Perform a coolant analysis (Level 2) at 500 service
hours for new systems or for converted systems
that use ELC or use DEAC. This 500 hour check will
also check for any residual cleaner that may have
contaminated the system.
S·O·S Coolant Analysis (Level 1)
A coolant analysis (Level 1) is a test of the
properties of the coolant.
The following properties of the coolant are tested:
Glycol Concentration for freeze protection
Ability to protect from erosion and corrosion
Water hardness
Visual analysis
Odor analysis
The results are reported, and appropriate
recommendations are made.