Serial LEDs 124
WAN LEDs 125
LAN LEDs 125
Error LED Meanings 126
Troubleshooting During the Load Phase 126
Troubleshooting During the Test Phase 131
Errors Indicated by the Serial LEDs 131
Errors Indicated by the WAN LEDs 132
Performing Loopback Tests 133
Response to Local Loopback Assertion 133
Performing a Loopback Test on the ISDN Port (43x, 53x, 44x and
54x) 133
Prerequisites 133
Performing a V.54 Loopback Test on the CSU/DSU Port
(45x and 55x) 135
Performing a Local Loopback Test on the CSU/DSU Port
(45x and 55x) 137
Performing a Remote Loopback Test on a 56/64 Kbps CSU/DSU
Module 139
Performing a Local Loopback Test on the T1/FT1 Port
(46x and 56x) 141
Performing a Remote Loopback for V.54 on a T1/FT1 Port 142
Performing a Remote ATT Loopback Test on the T1/FT1 Port 142
Performing a Remote ANSI Loopback Test on the T1/FT1 Port 143
QRSS Testing on a T1/FT1 Port 143
Performing a Loopback Test on a Serial Port 144
Performing a Memory Dump 145
Configuring the Dump Destination 146
Obtaining the MAC Address 147
Creating a File for the Memory Dump 147
Verifying the TFTP Process 148
Verifying the Memory Dump Procedure 149
Reloading the Software 151
Load Errors 152