Connection Log Messages
Message Description
Connect on
Connection attempt has been triggered by the
"Connect automatically, as required" setting.
Manual connection Connection attempt started by the "Connect"
Reset physical
Preparing line for connection attempt.
Connecting to
remote server
Attempting to connect to the ISP's server.
Remote Server
ISP's Server has responded to connection
Start PPP Attempting to login to ISP's Server and
establish a PPP connection.
PPP up
Able to login to ISP's Server and establish a
PPP connection.
Idle time-out
The connection has been idle for the time
period specified in the "Idle Time-out" field.
The connection will now be terminated.
Disconnecting The current connection is being terminated,
due to either the "Idle Time-out" above, or
"Disconnect" button being clicked.
Error: Remote
Server not found
ISP's Server did not respond. This could be a
Server problem, or a problem with the link to
the Server.
Error: PPP
Connection failed
Unable to establish a PPP connection with the
ISP's Server. This could be a login problem
(name or password) or a Server problem.
Error: Connection to
Server lost
The existing connection has been lost. This
could be caused by a power failure, a link
failure, or Server failure.