
Specify the port number that needs to be tagged [1-2, <CR>
ends config]:
Admin username [admin]: wxadmin
Admin password [optional]: letmein
Enable password [optional]: enable
Do you wish to set the time? [y]: y
Enter the date (dd/mm/yy) []: 31/03/07
Is daylight saving time (DST) in effect [n]: n
Enter the time (hh:mm:ss) []: 04:36:20
Enter the timezone []: PST
Enter the offset (without DST) from GMT for 'PST' in hh:mm
[0:0]: -8:0
Do you wish to configure wireless? [y]: y
Enter a clear SSID to use: public
Do you want Web Portal authentication? [y]: y
Enter a username with which to do Web Portal, <cr> to exit:
Enter a password for user1: user1pass1
Enter a username with which to do Web Portal, <cr> to exit:
Do you want to do 802.1x and PEAP-MSCHAPv2? [y]: y
Enter a crypto SSID to use: corporate
Enter a username with which to do PEAP-MSCHAPv2, <cr> to
exit: bob
Enter a password for bob: bobpass
Enter a username with which to do PEAP-MSCHAPv2, <cr> to exit:
Do you wish to configure access points? [y]: y
Enter a port number [1-2] on which an AP resides, <cr> to
exit: 2
Enter AP model on port 2: ap3750
Enter a port number [1-2] on which an AP resides, <cr> to exit:
Do you wish to configure distributed access points? [y]: y
Enter a DAP serial number, <cr> to exit: 0422700351
Enter model of DAP with S/N 0422700351: ap3750
Enter a DAP serial number, <cr> to exit:
success: created keypair for ssh
success: Type “save config” to save the configuration
WXR100-aabbcc# save config
6 Optionally, enable Telnet and enable the admin user to use Telnet.
WXR100-aabbcc# set ip telnet server enable
WXR100-aabbcc# set user wxadmin attr service-type 6
7 Verify the configuration changes.
WXR100-aabbcc# display config