
Displaying the AAA Configuration 61
Displaying the AAA
To display your AAA configuration, type the following command:
WX1200# display aaa
Default Values
authport=1812 acctport=1813 timeout=5 acct-timeout=5
retrans=3 deadtime=0 key=(null) author-pass=(null)
Radius Servers
Server Addr Ports T/o Tries Dead State
r1 1812 1813 5 3 0 UP
Server groups
sg1: r1
set authentication console * local
set authentication admin * local
set accounting admin Geetha stop-only local
set accounting admin * start-stop local
user Geetha
Password = 1214253d1d19 (encrypted)
(For information about the fields in the output, see the Wireless LAN
Switch and Controller Command Reference.)
Saving the
You must save the configuration for all commands that you enter and
want to use for future sessions. After you enter the administrator’s AAA
configuration, type the following command to maintain these commands
in WX nonvolatile memory:
WX1200# save config
success: configuration saved.
You can also specify a filename for the configuration—for example,
configday. To do this, type the following command:
WX1200# save config configday
Configuration saved to configday.
You must type the save config command to save all configuration
changes since the last time you rebooted the WX switch or saved the
configuration. If the WX switch is rebooted before you have saved the
configuration, all changes are lost.
You can also type the load config command, which reloads the WX switch
to the last saved configuration or loads a particular configuration filename.
(For more information, see “Managing Configuration Files” on page 609.)