4 Click the View button.
The 3Com Wireless LAN Switch Manager (3WXM) information screen appears.
5 Click the Install button.
The installation begins. During the installation, the 3Com Wireless Switch
Manager installation wizard minimizes.
6 When the installation is complete, maximize the 3Com Wireless Switch
Manager installation wizard screen, and then press the Contents button.
7 Press the Exit button to close the wizard, or navigate to the other items
on the CD.
Installing 3WXM on
Linux Systems
The same 3WXM install program installs either 3WXM client, 3WXM
Services, or both.
To install 3WXM on a Linux system:
Unpack files
Use the Installation Wizard
Unpacking Files
To unpack files on Linux systems:
1 Log in as superuser.
2 Insert the 3WXM CD in the CD-ROM drive.
3 For the platform on which you are installing 3WXM, click the appropriate
Installer link.
4 Save the installation binary to a directory.