
Management and Monitoring 45
RF neighborhood
Transmitters (heard by this radio)
Listeners (who heard this radio)
BSSID to SSID mapping
Statistics collected for the RF environment provides data on a per-channel
basis. You can view noise levels, cyclic redundancy check (CRC) and PHY
errors, packet retransmissions and percent utilization.
Data collected for the RF neighborhood displays the neighboring radios.
This information can be viewed as a list of radios heard by a particular
radio, as well as a list of radios who can hear a particular radio.
You also can display trending information on a per-radio basis. Trending
collects radio statistics and charts them on a time basis. For example, you could
display average throughput rates for the previous 30 days, week, or day. You
can display and print the charts from 3WXM, as well as generate a report.
Client Monitoring Client monitoring provides current and historical information about the
clients using your network, including client activity, watch list clients,
current client sessions, and the ability to locate clients at your site. 3WXM
displays the data that WX switches collect on user sessions—either for a
single user, users associated with a MAP, users associated with a specific
radio, or users added to a watch list.
By viewing monitoring information for a user or a group of users, you can
troubleshoot problems originating from bandwidth constraints or
roaming patterns. You can collect statistics and view reports on:
Client associations, authentication, and authorization failures
Client activity, such as roaming and successful authorization
Current session status, location history, and statistics
Specifics on users over a period of time; information can be gathered
up to 30 days for session status, location history, client errors, and
client activity on users you place on the watch list
If you use 3WXM RF Planning, you also can display the approximate
geographic locations of clients.