© Adam Equipment Company 2008
Press the [Hold] key to enter the calibration. Simply place the calibration
mass to set up. Suggested value of the calibration mass is 50kg.
However for higher accuracy the calibration mass should be as high as
possible, maximum being 250kg. Press the [Func] key to enter the
same figures as the calibration mass used. The display will show
“000000” when the calibration is complete. Press the [Hold] key to
return to weighing function.
While setting use the keys as follows-
[kg/lb] key : Triangular cursor moves left
[Tare/Zero] key : Triangular cursor moves right
[Func] key : for figures setting (1-9)
[Hold] key : to confirm
The technical parameters are accessed by opening the scale and hence
should be used only by the authorised technicians.
Move the jumper on the main PCB to “KB1” position and turn on the
scale when there is no load on the platform. Display will show:
n 2000
“n” means: division
3 settings: ”2000”, ”2500” & ”3000” to choose from. Press
[Hold] to confirm.
d 1 “d” means: division value
3 settings: ”d=1”, “d=2” & “d=5” to choose from.
Press [Hold] to confirm
dp 1 “dp” means: decimal point
4 settings for choose from: “0”, ”1”, ”2” & ”3”
Press [Hold] to confirm and enter to weight setting (all
decimal points are lighted up, set the Zero (the platform
should be empty).
000000 All decimal points are grey, small cursors are on, make the
maximum capacity setting. Put the mass on the platform and
then press the [Hold] key and wait for
“END” to be displayed.
END Lastly, switch the jumper to the original location.