Mask Test Commands
:MTESt:AMASk:SOURce[?] {CHANnel<number> |
FUNCtion<number> | RESPonse<number> |
WMEMory<number> | FFT}
Selects the source for the interpretation of the AMASk:XDELta and
AMASk:YDELta parameters when AMASk:UNITs is set to CURRent. When
UNITs are CURRent, the XDELta and YDELta parameters are defined in
terms of the measurement system of the selected source.
For channels: an integer, 1 through 4, indicating the slot in which the channel
resides, followed by an optional A or B indicating which of two possible
channels in the slot is being referenced. For functions: 1 or 2. For waveform
memories (WMEMory): 1, 2, 3, or 4. For TDR response: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Saves waveforms from a channel, function, TDR response, histogram, or
waveform memory in the event of a failure detected by the Mask Test. Each
waveform source can be individually specified, allowing multiple channels or
functions to be saved to disk or waveform memories. Setting a particular
source to OFF removes any waveform save action from that source.
{CHANnel<number> | FUNCtion<number> |
RESPonse<number> | WMEMory<number> | HISTogram |