:MEASure:VRMS[?] {CYCLe | DISPlay}, {AC | DC}
Measures the RMS voltage of the selected waveform by subtracting the
average value of the waveform from each data point on the display.
{CHANnel<number> | FUNCtion<number> |
RESPonse<number> | WMEMory<number>}
For channels: an integer, 1 through 4, indicating the slot in which the channel
resides, followed by an optional A or B identifying which of two possible
channels in the slot is being referenced. For functions: 1 or 2. For waveform
memories (WMEMory): 1, 2, 3, or 4. For TDR responses: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
:MEASure:VTIMe[?] <time>[,<source>]
Measures the voltage at the specified time. The time is referenced to the
trigger event and must be on the screen. When FFT is the specified source,
the value at the specified frequency is measured.
Displayed time from the trigger in seconds, or frequency in Hertz for FFT.
{CHANnel<number> | FUNCtion<number> |
RESPonse<number> | WMEMory<number> | FFT}
For channels: an integer, 1 through 4, indicating the slot in which the channel
resides, followed by an optional A or B identifying which of two possible
channels in the slot is being referenced. For functions: 1 or 2. For waveform
memories (WMEMory): 1, 2, 3, or 4. For TDR responses: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Measure Commands