
General Programming Aspects
Status Model
QUEStionable Status Group
The QUEStionable Status group is used to report warning conditions
amongst the voltage, current, pulse timing and frequency parameters.
Warnings occur when a parameter, although not outside its maximum
limits, could be causing an invalid signal at the output because of the
actual settings and uncertainties of related parameters.
Bit QUEStionable
0 Voltage warning
1 Current warning
2 Time warning
3 Unused, always 0
4 Unused, always 0
5 Frequency warning
6 Unused, always 0
7 Unused, always 0
8 Unused, always 0
9 Unused, always 0
10 Unused, always 0
11 Unused, always 0
12 Unused, always
13 Unused, always 0
14 Unused, always 0
15 Always 0