Programming Reference
SCPI Instrument Command List
Command :CURR[1]:LIM:LOW
Form Set & Query
Parameter Numeric
Parameter suffix
with engineering prefixes.
*RST value –10.0 mA
Description Use this command to set/read the low level current limit. If you switch on
current limiting, the low level current cannot be set below the
programmed limit.
The current is not limited by the OUTPUT hardware, this is a software
Example To set the low level current limit for the output:
Command :CURR[1]:LIM:STAT
Form Set & Query
ON | OFF | 1 | 0
*RST value
Description Use this command to switch the output limits on or off. When you switch
on the output limits, you cannot program the output levels beyond the
programmed limits, until you switch off the output limits. The limits
apply whether you program high/low levels or amplitude/offset levels.
NOTE You can switch the limits on and off in both the
and the
subsystems but the current and voltage
limits are not enabled/disabled independently. The voltage and current
limits are always enabled/disabled together.
Enable CURRENT subsystem
Set OUTPUT low level current limit to –50 mA
Switch on OUTPUT limits