EMG Business Management System Manual
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(c) Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2002, AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES
developed in support of the business-wide objectives, as appropriate, depending on the relevance
of the objective. Periodically, and during management reviews, progress toward completion
measures are reviewed and evaluated by the Executive Leadership Team and course corrections, if
necessary, are initiated. Other process improvement objectives may be established at EMG sites or
organizations and will be managed and monitored by the site/organization management. These
objectives will be based on local needs, criticality, and resource capacity.
a) EMG monitors and measures processes during internal audits, management reviews and
continually improve processes. (8.2.3)
b) Data analysis‟s is performed throughout our business. (e.g. CFS, Blue Book, TQRDCE, RIP,
c) Six-Sigma has been adopted by EMG world-wide as a data driven tool for improving the quality
of products and processes and improving business results. The Six Sigma program provides a
highly structured set of tools and methodologies that are applied to a variety of business
processes as appropriate to achieve breakthrough results. EMG Organizations can apply Six
Sigma to R&D, product design and development, manufacturing, sales, services, and support
functions to reduce process complexity, variation, and cost, resulting in increased customer
satisfaction and the elimination of defects. For more information about our Six Sigma program
click on the following URL‟s.
Agilent : http ://sixsigma.quality.agilent.com
Training: http://qes.supplychain.agilent.com/Global_Learning/Index.asp
4.5 Technical Information Systems (TIS): (7.1d, 6.3c, 8.4, 8.5)
Local TIS and the WW EMG BTT TIS Team (Global TIS) are responsible for the management and
implementation of new setups and changes per input from the formal processes including
ECR/ECO and approved Change Requests (CR‟s). TIS creates and maintains the bill of materials
in support of Matrix One and Oracle for the design and manufacture of our products. For more
information click on the following link: http://gtis.is.agilent.com/global/
4.6 Infrastructure Organizations (6.0)
To maximize EMG‟s businesses ability to develop and deliver high quality products and services,
certain infrastructure organizations are in place to deliver internal support services. EMG collectively
refers to these as infrastructure organizations. These organisations are managed at the Agilent
Level and are not subject to EMG Internal audit (findings will be reported if found during an audit
trail) or external audit, but are audited at the Agilent Level to ensure conformance to ISO
9001:2008. EMG shall perform periodical review with Infrastructure organizations to ensure that
they meet EMG BMS needs. Infrastructure web site.
4.6.1 Financial Management (5.1)
Finance‟s primary contribution is business planning and business analysis for decision making.
EMG provides timely, actionable information related to business reporting of process performance.
We ensure sound business controls. EMG publishes a monthly Group Financial “Blue Book” to
report financial, operational performance details and to take action on decisions to improve
operational and financial performance. EMG Finance Web site: http://finance.agilent.com/EMGfin/
Global Financial Service Description can be found at:
Business Continuity Plan: http://finance.agilent.com/agrm/bcp/