EMG Business Management System Manual
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(c) Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2002, AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES
2.3 Top Management
a) Will ensure that appropriate communications are established within the organization and that
communication takes place regarding the effectiveness of the quality management system.
(E.g. coffee talks, EMG News, video clips, Quality Blue Book...etc) (5.5.3d, 4.1)
b) Will ensure communication throughout the organization regarding customer requirements.
c) Will provide the required resources and training for implementing and maintaining the BMS
and continually improving it effectiveness. (6.1)
d) Will conduct business reviews selecting key quality and business measures to be evaluated
at least on an annual basis and maintain records and action items as per the MRP
(Management Review Process).
e) Will ensure products and services meet specifications. They ensure process effectiveness,
compliance with applicable regulations/standards, and customer loyalty.
f) Will ensure customer requirements are developed and achieved while enhancing customer
satisfaction. (Customer Focus) (e.g. ACS, CFS, OBD) (5.2)
g) Will ensure the Quality Policy meets organizational requirements, focus on improving the
effectiveness of the BMS, ensures quality objectives align with Agilent Quality Policy, and
appropriately communicate and review yearly for continuing sustainability. (5.6.1)
h) Quality planning is established to generate and plan the quality priorities. (e.g. “EMG QLT
review and implementation) (5.4.2)
i) Will ensure quality priorities are established (Measures of Success), measurable and align
with our quality policy (e.g. OBD, OTA, OTS, TAT) (5.4.1)
j) Will ensure changes to the BMS (e.g. strategy, structure, etc.) are planned and maintained
by communicating these changes appropriately (e.g. to BMS Manager, Quality Mgr., etc)
through the GM and ELT. (5.5.3)
k) EMG businesses/entities have the final responsibility and authority for their respective
products‟ design, quality, marketing, manufacturing, distribution, installation and service,
although many activities are common at the Group level.
l) Will ensure that responsibilities and authority are defined and communicated appropriately
within the organization. Responsibilities and authority can be defined written or verbally
depending on the risk and impact to the business.