for GNU Debugger, BDI2000 (ARM11/Cortex-A8) User Manual 28
© Copyright 1997-2007 by ABATRON AG Switzerland V 1.04
STARTUP mode [runtime]This parameter selects the target startup mode. The following modes are
HALT This default mode tries to forces the target to debug
mode immediately out of reset. If successful, no code is
executed after reset.
STOP In this mode, the BDI lets the target execute code for
"runtime" milliseconds after reset. This mode is useful
when monitor code should initialize the target system.
RUNAfter reset, the target executes code until stopped by the
Telnet "halt" command. The init list is not processed in
this mode.
Example: STARTUP STOP 3000 ; let the CPU run for 3 seconds
WAKEUP time This entry in the init list allows to define a delay time (in ms) the BDI inserts
between releasing the reset line and starting communicating with the tar-
get. This delay is necessary when a target needs some wake-up time after
a reset.
time the delay time in milliseconds
Example: WAKEUP 3000 ; insert 3sec wake-up time
BDIMODE mode param This parameter selects the BDI debugging mode. The following modes are
LOADONLY Loads and starts the application code. No debugging via
JTAG interface.
AGENT The debug agent runs within the BDI. There is no need
for any debug software on the target. This mode accepts
a second parameter. If RUN is entered as a second pa-
rameter, the loaded application will be started immedi-
ately, otherwise only the PC is set and BDI waits for GDB
ENDIAN format This entry defines the endiannes of the memory system.
format The endiannes of the target memory:
LITTLE (default)
VECTOR CATCH mask When this line is present, the BDI catches exceptions. The mask is used
to setup the ARM Vector catch register.
mask selects the exceptions to catch
Example: VECTOR CATCH 0x1B ;catch Abort, Undef, Reset