
for GNU Debugger, BDI2000 (ARM11/Cortex-A8) User Manual 39
© Copyright 1997-2007 by ABATRON AG Switzerland V 1.04
Example for a register definition:
Entry in the configuration file:
FILE E:\cygwin\home\bdidemo\arm\reg1136.def
The register definition file:
;Coprocessor Register Numbers:
; +-----+-+-------+-----+-+-------+
; |opc_2|0| CRm |opc_1|0| nbr |
; +-----+-+-------+-----+-+-------+
;The 16bit register number is used to build the appropriate MCR/MRC instruction.
;name type addr size
id CP15 0x0000 32 ;ID code
cache CP15 0x2000 32 ;Cache type
tcmstatus CP15 0x4000 32 ;TCM status
tcmtype CP15 0x6000 32 ;TCM type
ctr CP15 0x0001 32 ;Control
aux CP15 0x2001 32 ;Auxiliary Control
cpacc CP15 0x4001 32 ;Coprocessor Access
ttb0 CP15 0x0002 32 ;Translation Table Base 0
ttb1 CP15 0x2002 32 ;Translation Table Base 1
ttbc CP15 0x4002 32 ;Translation Table Base Control
pid CP15 0x000d 32 ;Process ID
context CP15 0x200d 32 ;Context ID
; CM1136JF-S core module control registers
cm_id MM 0x10000000
cm_proc MM 0x10000004
cm_osc MM 0x10000008
cm_ctrl MM 0x1000000c
cm_stat MM 0x10000010
; Cortex-A8 debug registers
dscr APB 0xd4011088 ;Debug Status and Control
prcr APB 0xd4011310 ;Device Power Down and Reset Control
prsr APB 0xd4011314 ;Device Power Down and Reset Status
authstatus APB 0xd4011fb8 ;Authentication Status
devid APB 0xd4011fc8 ;Device Identifier
devtype APB 0xd4011fcc ;Device type