Clear Waypoints
ENTER will delete all waypoints in the
selected flight plan. The plan name will remain.
Route 2 259nm
Dest: Wpt: PDT
Clear Wpts?
Reverse Flight Plan
ENTER when the “Reverse” option is
displayed reverses all the waypoints in the current
flight plan. This option is available only on inactive
flight plans with two or more waypoints.
Route 2 259nm
Dest: Wpt: PDT
Estimated Fuel Flow
ENTER when the “Est Fuel Flow” option is
displayed allows you to enter an estimated fuel usage
value to be used in estimating one of the leg info
Route 2 259nm
Dest: Wpt: PDT
Est Fuel Flow?
The estimated fuel flow can be selected from 0000 to
9999 units per hour. The units may be set in the
System function (see page 6). Pressing
ENTER saves
the entered value if the value entered is less than or
equal to 999 US gallons per hour, after any necessary
conversions are performed. If the value is too large
ENTER is pressed, it is truncated to the largest
possible value for the units selected.
After entering the Estimated Fuel Flow, a four second
help screen indicates either “Fuel To Uses Actual Gr
Speed” when the current flight plan is the active flight
Flight Plan Functions