2. If the reference VOR is LTJ, press ENTER.Ifthe
reference is not LTJ, press
SEL and select the LTJ
VOR with the
LARGE and SMALL knobs and then
ENTER. The Apollo GX will automatically
provide guidance with the Arc Assist and Map
Arc Assist
Ref: LTJ vor
3. Use the Arc Assist page as the primary guidance for
flying the DME Arc. Select the Right Arc with the
SMALL knob. You may also use the Map or Nav
mode displays to navigate.
Rght Arc Dtk 098
ref: LTG for
Rad 188° 17.8
PointB-Onthearcbetween MUGGZ (IAF) and
D1850 (ARC)
Use the Arc Assist page and your aircraft heading
display to navigate to the selected inbound leg. The
Desired Track (DTK) is your tangent to the arc on
your present radial. For the right turn arc in this
example, there are no other Arc waypoints to identify
by radial and distance. If there were more waypoints,
the Arc Assist page will continuously show the radial
and distance from the Arc Reference making them
easy to identify from your approach chart.
Approach Examples