
4-34 Chapter 4: BIOS setup
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Full fan speed will
be started when the
temperature reaches the
selected target value.
Hardware Monitor
CPU1 Domain 0 Target Temperature [075]
CPU1 Domain 1 Target Temperature [075]
CPU2 Domain 0 Target Temperature [075]
CPU2 Domain 1 Target Temperature [075]
SYSTEM1 Target Temperature [060ºC]
SYSTEM2 Target Temperature [060ºC]
FBD_FAN1 Speed
VCORE0 Voltage 1.25 V
VCORE1 Voltage 1.25 V
VTT 1.21 V
+1.5V 1.56 V
+1.8V 1.79 V
+3V 3.28 V
+12V 11.91 V
+5V 4.87 V
+5VSB 4.96 V
VBAT 3.10 V
PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility
CPU1/2 Domain 0/1 Temperature, SYSTEM1/2 Temperature,
CPU_FAN1/2 Speed, FRN_FAN1/2/3/4 Speed, REAR_FAN1/2 Speed
These elds show the auto-detected values and are not user-congurable. If no fan
is installed, the eld shows 0 RPM.
Smart Fan Control [Smart Fan II]
Allows you to disable or congure the Smart Fan feature.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Smart Fan] [Smart Fan II]
CPU1/2 Domain 0/1 Target Temperature
Allows you to set the target CPU temperature at which the CPU fan will start
running if the fan is not yet turned on.
Conguration options: [54]~[76]
SYSTEM1/2 Target Temperature
Allows you to set the target sytem temperature at which the system fan will start
running if the fan is not yet turned on.
Conguration options: [39]~[60]
FBD_FAN1 Speed, VCORE0/1 Voltage, VTT, +1.5V, +1.8V, +3V, +12V,
+5V, +5VSB, VBAT
These elds show the auto-detected values and are not user-congurable.