
34 Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
The arrow keys on the number key pad are not working.
Check if the Number Lock LED is o. When the Number Lock LED is on, the keys on
the number key pad are used to input numbers only. Press the Number Lock key to
turn the LED o if you want to use the arrow keys on the number key pad.
No display on the monitor.
• Checkifthemonitorispoweredon.
• Ensurethatyourmonitorisproperlyconnectedtothevideooutputportonyour
• Ifyourcomputercomeswithadiscretegraphicscard,ensurethatyouconnectyour
monitor to a video output port on the discrete graphics card.
• Checkifanyofthepinsonthemonitorvideoconnectorisbent.Ifyoudiscoverbent
pins, replace the monitor video connector cable.
• Checkifyourmonitorispluggedtoapowersourceproperly.
• Refertothedocumentationthatcamewithyourmonitorformoretroubleshooting
When using multiple monitors, only one monitor has display.
• Ensurethatthebothmonitorsarepoweredon.
• DuringPOST,onlythemonitorconnectedtotheVGAporthasdisplay.Thedual
display function works only under Windows.
• Whenagraphicscardisinstalledonyourcomputer,ensurethatyouconnectthe
monitors to the output port on the graphics card.
• Checkifthemultipledisplayssettingsarecorrect.
My computer cannot detect my USB storage device.
• ThersttimeyouconnectyourUSBstoragedevicetoyourcomputer,Windows
automatically installs a driver for it. Wait for a while and go to My Computer to
check if the USB storage device is detected.
• ConnectyourUSBstoragedevicetoanothercomputertotestiftheUSBstorage
device is broken or malfunctions.