36 Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
My speakers produce no sound.
• EnsurethatyouconnectyourspeakerstotheLineoutport(lime)onthefrontpanel
or the rear panel.
• Checkifyourspeakisconnectedtoanelectricalsourceandturnedon.
• Adjustyourspeakers’volume.
• Ensurethatyourcomputer’ssystemsoundsarenotMuted.
• Ifitismuted,thevolumeiconisdisplayedas . To enable the system
sounds, click from the Windows notication area, then click .
• Ifitisnotmuted,click and drag the slider to adjust the volume.
• Connectyourspeakerstoanothercomputertotestifthespeakersarerworking
The DVD drive cannot read a disc.
• Checkifthediscisplacedwiththelabelsidefacingup.
• Checkifthedisciscenteredinthetray,especiallyforthediscswith
non-standard size or shape.
• Checkifthediscisscratchedordamaged.
The DVD drive eject button is not responding.
1. On Windows
7, click > Computer.
On Windows
8.1, hover your mouse pointer over the lower left corner of Windows
desktop then right-click on the Start Screen’s thumbnail. From the popup menu,
click File Explorer to open the Computer screen.
2. Right-click
, then click Eject from the menu.