Issue 4 September 1995 2-1
This chapter is intended to provide you with a ‘‘practical start’’ in using Call
Vectoring. To this end, the chapter presents the basics you need to write a
representative vector and to enter it on-line. The last section of the chapter
summarizes the benefits of Call Vectoring, and it identifies example vectors in the
reference section of the guide that illustrate these benefits.
Entering the Vector On-Line
A vector can be entered on-line via the following two methods:
■ Basic Screen Administration (on the Manager I or G3-MA)
■ Call Management System (CMS)
All references to CMS in this manual, unless otherwise noted, refer to CMS
Release 2, CMS Release 3 through Version 2 or CenterVu
The following section discusses the Basic Screen Administration method for
entering a vector on-line at your DEFINITY system. For complete details for
creating a vector with CMS, consult the
Call Management System
Release 3 Version 4 Administration,
585-215-800, document (or earlier version
CMS documents that you received with your system).