Issue 4 September 1995 F-1
Interactions Between Call
Vectoring/EAS and BCMS/CMS
Call Vectoring and EAS interact with a management information system that
helps to monitor and report on the activity within Call Vectoring and EAS. In most
cases, the management system is either the Call Management System (CMS) or
the Basic Call Management System (BCMS).
CMS, which resides on an adjunct processor, collects and processes ACD
information to generate various reports. BCMS performs the same duties. The
main difference between CMS and BCMS is that the latter resides on the
customer switch. Also, it should be noted that CMS reporting capabilities are
much more extensive than those of BCMS.
This chapter is intended to illustrate how these management systems interpret
and report on activity within Call Vectoring and EAS. Special emphasis is placed
on interpreting and reporting on this activity as it occurs within splits during a
series of Call Vectoring or EAS events.
The manual pages in Appendix A provide a summary of the CMS/BCMS
interactions with each Call Vectoring command (where applicable).