Control Unit Jack
Minimum Length of
Reported Calls
Dial *81.
Dial two digits for the hour (00 through 23).
Dial two digits for the minute (00 through 59).
Touch Administer.
The console beeps twice.
Go on to assign Call Report to a control unit jack, or leave administration
The system automatically assigns station jack number 19 on the control unit
to the data collector and printer for the Call Report option. If you want to
keep jack number 19 for the Call Report equipment, you don't have to do
anything here. Go on to "Minimum Length of Reported Calls."
If you want to assign the data collector and printer to a control unit jack
other than 19, do as follows:
1 If you haven't already done so, enter administration mode.
Dial *82.
The green light goes on next to the Auto Intercom button for the control unit station jack to
which the data collector and printer are currently assigned (jack 19 unless the setting has alredy
been changed).
Touch the Auto Intercom button for the control unit station jack you
want to use to connect the data collector and printer to the system.
The green light next to the Auto Intercom button you touch goes on.
The green light next to Auto Intercom button 19 goes off.
Go on to set the minimum length of reported calls, or leave administration
The system is set to report calls lasting one minute or longer. If you want to
keep one minute as the minimum length for reported calls, you don't have to
do anything here. Go on to "Type of Calls Reported."
If you want a setting other than one minute, do as follows:
If you haven't already done so, enter administration mode.
Dial *83.
Dial one digit (0 through 9) for the number of minutes.
NOTE: The system adds 10 seconds to the number of minutes you enter in
order to account for the time it can sometimes take to connect a call to
the right person. For example, if you dial 0 in this step, the minimum
length of a reported call will be 10 seconds (0 minutes, 10 seconds). If you
dial 9, the minimum length-will be 9 minutes, 10 seconds. The extra 10
seconds is not added to the call's duration on the call report.
Touch Administer.
The console beeps twice.
Go on to set the type of calls reported, or leave administration mode.
3-20 Section 3: Administering the System