The telephone number can have up to 16 characters, including these special
– For a p (pause), touch Hold.
– For an s (stop), touch Drop.
– For an r (switchhook flash), touch Recall and then touch Hold.
NOTE: This special character for the switchhook flash works only as the
first character in a sequence of characters stored under a system speed dial
code. If it appears anywhere but first in the sequence, it automatically
disconnects the call at the point when the system dials the switchhook
– For a t (Touch-Tone enable), touch Transfer.
NOTE: If you want to include a pound symbol (#) in a sequence of
characters to be stored under a system speed dial code, you have to
dial the pound symbol twice (##) at the point in the sequence where
you want it inserted when you enter it in step 2 below. Otherwise the
system will think you're requesting another speed dial code when you
dial the #. The system will enter only one of the two pound symbols
you dial in the stored sequence.
To assign a system speed dial code to a telephone number and store it in the
system's memory, do the following:
Enter administration mode.
The red lights go on next to Administer and Restrict.
Find the telephone number in the System Speed Dial Directory, and dial
the 3-character code (#60 through #99) you are assigning to that number.
Dial one of the following codes:
Dial *90 to a assign the speed dial code without Restriction Override.
Dial *92 to assign the speed dial code with Restriction Override.
To assign the code to a telephone number and designate the telephone
number as private (will not be printed out on call reports) or public (will be
printed out on call reports), dial one of the following:
Dial * plus the telephone number (private),
Dial the telephone number (public).
The console beeps twice on the sixteenth character to confirm the entry and to remind you that
you can't add another character m this entry.
The console does not beep on an entry of fewer than 16 characters.
Touch Administer.
The console beeps twice.
Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each telephone number you want to encode.
Go on to assign codes to account numbers, or leave administration mode.
Section 3: Administering the System