Version 6.2 75 December 2010
SIP Release Notes 1. What's New in Release 6.2
1.8 Security New Features
The device supports the following new security feature:
1. ARIA Encryption Algorithm for SRTP:
MP-11x MP-124
Mediant 600 Mediant 1000
Mediant 800 MSBG Mediant 1000 MSBG
Mediant 2000
Mediant 3000/TP-6310 Mediant 3000 HA/TP-6310
Mediant 3000/TP-8410 Mediant 3000 HA/TP-8410
Management Protocol
This feature provides support for the ARIA algorithm cipher encryption for SRTP. This
is an alternative option to the existing support for the AES algorithm. ARIA is a
symmetric key block cipher algorithm standard developed by the Korean National
Security Research Institute. The ARIA offered suite supports 128-bit and 192-bit key
encryption sizes with HMAC SHA-1 cryptographic hash function.
ARIA encryption is enabled by the new parameter, AriaProtocolSupport. The required
ARIA crypto suite for SRTP is according to the existing parameter, SRTPofferedSuites.
For ARIA encryption of SRTP, the device must be installed with the relevant Software
Upgrade Feature Key.