Version 6.2 89 December 2010
SIP Release Notes 1. What's New in Release 6.2
Parameter Description
value other than the default, the RTPOnlyMode parameter value is
Enables the device to start sending and/or receiving RTP packets to
and from remote endpoints without the need to establish a SIP
session. This is configured per trunk.
The remote IP address is determined according to the 'Outbound IP
Routing' table. The port is the same port as the local RTP port
(configured by the parameter BaseUDPPort and the channel on which
the call is received).
[-1] Not Configured = use the global parameter (RTPOnlyMode)
value for all channels (default)
[0] Disable
[1] Transmit & Receive = send and receive RTP packets
[2] Transmit Only = send RTP packets only
[3] Receive Only = receive RTP packets only
Note: The ID in the ini file parameter depicts the trunk number, where
0 is the first trunk.
AMD Parameters
Web: Answer Machine
Detector Sensitivity
Parameter Suit
Determines the AMD parameter suit that you want the device to use.
[0] = USA Parameter suite with normal detection sensitivity
resolution (8 sensitivity levels, from 0 to 7). The level is configured
by the AMDSensitivityLevel parameter. (default)
[1] = USA Parameter Suite with high detection sensitivity resolution
(16 sensitivity levels, from 0 to 15). The level is configured by the
AMDSensitivityLevel parameter.
[2]-[3] = Other countries parameter suites with up to 16 sensitivity
Note: This parameter replaces the existing AMDSensitivityResolution
Web: AMD Sensitivity Level
Determines the AMD detection sensitivity level of the selected AMD
parameter suite.
The valid value range is 0 (for best detection of an answering
machine) to 15 (for best detection of a live call). The default value is 8.
Note: This parameter replaces the existing
AMDDetectionSensitivityHighResolution parameter.
Maximum greeting time
Maximum duration of silence from after the greeting time is over
(defined by AMDMaxGreetingTime) until the AMD decision.
Name of the AMD Sensitivity auxiliary file.
URL path to the AMD Sensitivity file for download from a remote