Chapter 5 Admin Terminal Commands
CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide Version 4.0 Page 5-33
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
18 inb 306 [0262]* OFF 2 Parked[7fff] waitque 0 .
19 inb 307 [0264]* OFF 2 Parked[7fff] connque 0 .
20 inb 308 [0266]* OFF 2 Parked[7fff] waitque 0 .
show switch
Displays the switch connections for every device defined. This command can
be entered with the “rotate through” switch (-r).
show trunks
Table 5-20: show stat.
Command Description
ST# Station number
Type Type of digital station. (out = outbound, inb = inbound)
Dtrk Digital trunk slot associated with this digital station.
[Mtx] Matrix number associated with this station.
Hook Hook state. (ON or OFF)
Camp Campaign Number if logged into a Campaign, otherwise 0.
ListenTo[Mtx] Trunk, Station, DSP device the station is listening to and its matrix
number. Trunk, Station and DSP are respectively displayed as
T<xxxx>, S<xxxx> or D<xxxx> where <xxxx> is the actual Trunk, Sta-
tion, or DSP number.
Queue Name of the queue the station is currently on.
trk Trunk currently connected to. (0 = no connection)
teln Telephone number if connected to call.
Table 5-21: show switch.
Command Description
MTX Internal Matrix Number.
MVIP MVIP Bus Connection: <Board-Stream-Timeslot>.
Local Local Connection on board: <Board-Stream-Timeslot>.
Device Hook state. (ON or OFF)
ListenTo[Mtx] Trunk, Station, DSP this device is listening to and its matrix number.
Trunk, Station and DSP are respectively displayed as T<xxxx>,
S<xxxx> or D<xxxx> where <xxxx> is the actual Trunk, Station, or
DSP number.