Chapter 7 The TSP Configuration Tool
Page 7-10 Version 4.0 CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
Depending on the board, it will say CG_6565 or CG_6500.
If Yes,
If no, asks if youwant to configue for a 650 instead?
Initialize Configuration
The initial configuration of the system will load the files necessary for the
country selected and create the necessary NMS and TSP Application configu-
ration files described in “The TSP Configuration Menu” on page 3-5. This
option prompts for system level information, which should be available on
the Sales Order, rather than information at the card level. Also, this option
assumes that CG 6500C/64-0L/8TE cards are loaded into the system starting
at Shelf-Slot 1-7, followed by CG 6500C-0L/8TE cards then CG 6500C/64-
0L/16TE cards. To perform the initialization, the TSP Application cannot be
To initialize the configuration of a system, you must answer the questions.
5 Help Displays online help.
q Quit Logs off “tspcfg” user.
Table 7-6: Configurator Menu Items.
Option Description