
CHAPTER 10: Switching Configuration
voice-voice, async-async, sync-sync connections will
be made.
If the “from” range is greater than the “to” range,
the unpaired from ports will not be connected.
In the example in Figure 10-3, a user will attempt to
force-connect 15 ports on the NEWYORK node to
ports on the DENVER node. Because the “from”
range is greater than the “to” range, only 13 ports
will be paired (essentially truncating the last 2
ports). Out of the 13 paired ports, 9 connections
will be made.
“from” range = NEWYORK/A2-D2
(15 ports)
“to” range = DENVER/2 (beginning at
port A2)
Notice the following:
Ports NEWYORK/B1 and B2 are paired but not
connected to DENVER/B1 and B2 because they
are not the same channel type.
Port numbers NEWYORK/B3-B6 made
successful connections to DENVER/C1-C4
because their channel types match, even though
the port numbers are different.
Ports NEWYORK/D1 and D2 are not paired up
at all, because the “from” range is greater than
the “to” range.
NOTE: If an async port within a specified range is
connected to the Command Facility (via
$CMD), it will not be force-connected.
10.4 Synchronous Connections
Sync ports must be connected via force-connect
(option 3 on the Switching Control Menu). The
connection may be between the local Multiserver
and the remote Multiserver or it may be within the
local Multiserver. Sync connections cannot be
made to a feeder mux.
Before proceeding, note the following:
To change protocol, you must force-disconnect
the channel.
When force-connecting, be sure that the
protocols match. (Do not attempt to change
protocols on one side only.) Be sure to reset the
unit after reconfiguration.
When the connection is complete, the Switching
Control Menu will reappear on the screen.
Continue this process until all sync connections
have been made.
A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 C1 C2 D1 D2 Port Number
Sync Async Async Async Async Async Async Async Async Async Async Voice Voice Voice Voice Channel Type
(Port Configuration)
Channel Type
Sync Async Async Async Async Voice Voice Async Async Async Async Async Async (Port Configuration)
A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 B1 B2 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Port Number
KEY: Channels paired and connected
Channels paired but not connected because Channel Types were unlike
Channel pairing attempted, but no port available in the “to” range
Figure 10-2. Example of Force Connecting a Range of Channels.