
Multiserver 5000
INCOMPATIBLE Info You are trying to connect a mux link to the
LINK TYPES port configured as an interconnect link or vice versa.
INCORRECT CHANNEL Info The port selected for the test desired is
TYPE of the wrong type or an attempt has been made to
broadcast to one of the following:
A link port
An out of service (OOS) port
A voice port
INHIBITED Info The feeder mux connected to the Multiserver
Command Facility tried to activate a remote
composite loopback on the link.
INPUT REQUIRED Info A <cr> without a data entry was received for a
function which requires a data input, such as
entering a channel number, or a new password.
INPUT TEST ACTIVE Diagnostic An async output test has been activated.
INTEGRAL DEVICE NOT Info No integral device has been installed in the
INSTALLED module location you specified.
INVALID DATA Info One of three possibilities has occurred:
The remote Multiserver node ID was entered
for a channel statistics request
There was an attempt to enable/disable a link
A remote node ID was entered for port
INVALID DESTINATION Info You have attempted to force-connect to an
STRING unknown node.
INVALID ENTRY Info A port other than A1 or A2 was entered when a
request was made for status or configuration of
an integral device.
You have attempted to duplicate a class name
which has already been defined.
INVALID NUMBER Info In configuring a voice or fax extension number,
you have entered fewer than the required
number of digits.
The prompt requires a numeric input.
ISU DIGITAL LOOPBACK Diagnostic The ISU on link ci has been placed in digital
ACTIVE LINK # ci loopback.
Screen Display Messages
Message Message Type Explanation