For example, when the ProCollection
cartridge is loaded in the printer,
the codes embedded in the following sentence will cause the word “saves”
to print in bold Helvetica
instead of plain Courier:
On screen: Quality ¬Q45 saves ¬Q85 you time and money.
Prints as: Quality saves you time and money.
The host may send the original font code to the printer at the beginning
of each page. If this happens, put a font-change command at the
beginning of each page of the document.
If the font-change command changes the pitch, the host may continue
to format each line with the original font-ID pitch. Text Management/38
and some other word-processing programs don’t let you specify more than
one font ID per line.
Font IDs and font-change commands for the fonts and font cartridges
used by the 3812 and 5219 printer emulations are listed in Appendix C.
Format font-change commands this way:
• 3812 Printer Emulation: Enter font-change commands for 3812
emulation using the format ¬Qn, where ¬ is a “logical not” (Shift 6),
Q indicates a font change, and n is the typestyle number (font ID).
• 5219 Printer Emulation: Enter either of two types of font-change
commands that you can use with 5219 emulation:
¬QHL selects fonts from HP font cartridges: ¬ is a “logical not” (Shift
6), Q indicates a font change, H indicates the HP font cartridge, and L
is one or more uppercase letters that indicate a particular font in the
¬QIn selects fonts from IBM font cartridges: ¬ is a “logical not”
(Shift 6), Q indicates a font change, I indicates the IBM font cartridge,
and n is the typestyle number (font ID).
8.4.2 E
You can also insert commands into your document that perform other
functions, such as enabling true 6-LPI printing, causing the Card to ignore
format commands from the host, and sending the printer an ASCII ESC
command. These commands, shown below, are similar to the font-change