Table 9-1 (continued). Error Codes.
SRC Description Possible Causes(s)
0055 Since the startup of the Controller, a. The remote controller has not
no valid SDLC frame has been been varied on at the host.
received for the address. b. NRZI/NONRZI configured on
This error code will not be the remote controller does not
displayed if the Controller has ever match the host configuration.
received any good SDLC frames c. The cable connecting the
for any SDLC address. This is Controller to its local modem/
true even if the address in the DCE (or that connecting the
frame is not the address configured host to its local modem/DCE)
for the remote controller, or any of is too long for the chosen data
the addresses configured for a rate.
multi-card Controller. d. The Controller is connected to
a modem/DCE with a null-
modem (cross-pinned) cable, or
is directly connected to the host
with straight-through-pinned
e. Modems are configured