Black Box Hardened Managed Etherne t Switch
3. Command Syntax:
storm-control multicast enable
no storm-control multicast
4. Example:
The following example shows setting stor
interface fe1 (port 1):
switch_a(config)#interface fe1
switch_a(config-if)#storm-control multicas
m-control multicast enable to the
t enable
1. Command Mode: Interface mode
Logon to Configure Mode (Config
Then logon to Interface mode.
fe1 means port 1.
The switch_a(config-if)# prompt will show
switch_a(config)#interface fe1
ure Terminal Mode).
on the screen.
2. Usage:
Use storm-control dlf enable command to enable destination lookup failure
Use no storm-control dlf command to disable destination lookup failure
3. Command Syntax:
storm-control dlf enable
no storm-control dlf
dlf destination lookup failure
4. Example:
The following example shows setting storm-control dlf enable to the
interface fe1 (port 1):
switch_a(config)#interface fe1
switch_a(config-if)#storm-control dlf enable
Static MAC Entry
Static-MAC-Entry Forward:
1. Command Mode: Configure mode
Logon to Configure Mode (Configure Terminal Mode).
The switch_a(config)# prompt will show on the screen.
106 User’s Manual