
CHAPTER 2: Introduction
The command facility supports the configuration of both the local and the remote channel PADs. It includes
a help function, which provides information on the available PAD commands, and on the purpose and
format of each command.
The Fradswitch’s command facility can be accessed from any channel, and from any place in the X.25
network. Simultaneous access from several channels is possible, but a warning is given if a user connects
to the facility when someone else is already connected to the command facility.
Password protection prevents unauthorized persons from using the command facility. The Fradswitch’s
command facility supports two password levels:
1) Super user password, which allows performance of all the activities (this password is usually known
only to the system administrator).
2) Regular user password, which provides access to functions that do not change the system status
(that is, a regular user cannot perform system-wide configuration and diagnostics activities).
Using the command facility, each Fradswitch channel can be independently configured for different
profiles, including profiles dedicated to specific sessions. The command facility can also be used to prepare
a local library of call-setup sequences, network user identification data, and predetermined command
sequences that can be accessed by all the Fradswitch users, and that can be assigned to specific channels
for use in automatic call setup.
The amount of information that can be stored is limited by the available nonvolatile storage capacity.
The required storage is provided by a nonvolatile memory (NVRAM). The standard capacity of the
Fradswitch’s NVRAM is 2 KB. As an option, when a larger number of parameters, profiles, and other
user-defined information must be stored, the Fradswitch can be ordered with increased NVRAM capacity, up
to a maximum of 32 KB.
2.12 Configuration Features
The configuration functions provided by the Fradswitch command facility allow the preparation
of the following data:
• Individual channel configuration
• Preparation of profiles
• Preparation of mnemonic call-setup sequences (call IDs)
• Preparation of predefined X.28 command sequences (aliases)
• Preparation of network user identifications (NUI)
• Definition of PVCs
• Definition of X.25 link-configuration parameters
• Definition of system-management parameters
• Definition of data routes