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724-746-5500 | blackbox.com
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Chapter 3: Configuration
• SMAC: Displays the OUI field of Source MAC address, i.e. first three octet (byte) of MAC address.
• DMAC: Specify the type of Destination MAC addresses for incoming frame. Possible values are:
Any: All types of Destination MAC addresses are allowed.
Unicast: Only Unicast MAC addresses are allowed.
Multicast: Only Multicast MAC addresses are allowed.
Broadcast: Only Broadcast MAC addresses are allowedd.
The default value is “Any.“
• VID: Indicates (VLAN ID), either a specific VID or range of VIDs. VID can be in the range of 1 to 4095, or “Any.“
• Conflict: Displays QoS Control Entry (QCE) status. It may happen that resources required to add a QCE may not available, in
that case it shows conflict status as “Yes.“ Otherwise it is always “No.“
NOTE: This conflict can be resolved by releasing the resource required by the QCE and pressing the Refresh button.
• Action: Indicates the classification action taken on ingress frame if parameters configured are matched with the frame’s con-
There are three action fields: Class, DPL, and DSCP:
Class: Classified QoS Class; if a frame matches the QCE, it will be put in the queue.
DPL: Drop Precedence Level; if a frame matches the QCE, then the DP level will set to value displayed under DPL column.
DSCP: If a frame matches the QCE, then DSCP will be classified with the value displayed under DSCP column.
• Modification Buttons: You can modify each QCE in the table using the following buttons:
: Inserts a new QCE before the current row.
: Edits the QCE.
: Moves the QCE up the list.
: Moves the QCE down the list.
: Deletes the QCE.
: The lowest plus sign adds a new entry at the bottom of the QCE listings.
• Port Members: Check the checkbox button to make any port member of the QCL entry. By default all ports will be checked.
• Key Parameters: Key configuration are discribed as below:
Tag Value of Tag field can be 'Any', 'Untag' or 'Tag'
VID Valid value of VLAN ID can be any value in the range 1-4095 or 'Any'; user can enter either a specific value or a range of
PCP Priority Code Point: Valid value PCP are specific (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) or range (0–1, 2–3, 4–5, 6–7, 0–3, 4–7) or ’Any.’
DEI Drop Eligible Indicator: Valid value of DEI can be any of values between 0, 1 or ’Any.’
SMAC Source MAC address: 24 MS bits (OUI) or ’Any.’