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Chapter 4: Security
4.5 NAS
This section describes how to configure the NAS parameters of the switch. The NAS server can be used to connect users to a
variety of resources including Internet access, conference calls, printing documents on shared printers, or by simply logging on to
the Internet.
4.5.1 Configuration
This section describes how to configure the NAS setting of the IEEE 802.1X, MAC-based authentication system and port settings.
The NAS configuration consists of two sections: system-wide and port-wide.
Web Interface
To configure a System Configuration of Network Access Server in the Web interface:
1. Select “Enabled” in the Mode of Network Access Server Configuration.
2. Check Reauthentication Enabled.
3. Set Reauthentication Period (default is 3600 seconds).
4. Set EAPOL Timeout (default is 30 seconds).
5. Set Aging Peroid (default is 300 seconds).
6. Set Hold Time (default is 10 seconds).
7. Check “RADIUS-Assigned QoS Enabled.“
8. Check “RADIUS-Assigned VLAN Enabled.“
9. Check “Guest VLAN Enabled.“
10. Specify Guest VLAN ID.
11. Specify Max. Reauth. Count.
12. Check “Allow Guest VLAN if EAPOL Seen.“
13. Click “Save.“
Figure 4-11. The Network Access Server Configuration screen.